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Yogi Bhajan Quotes

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When God gives good times, He wants you to forget him and sleep. When God gives you bad times, He wants you to wake up and face him.

" When you don't go within, you go without. "

" Prayer without heart is a waste to time. "

" If your presence doesn't work, neither will your word. "

" I do not believe in miracles, I rely on them. "

" To conquer the unknown you must trust. "

" It's not life that matters, it's the courage you bring to it. "

" If you can't see God in all, you can't see God at all. "

" Life is a lie if you do not find the eternal truth. "

" Keep up and you will be kept up. "

" What is the purpose of life? To elevate all, big or small. "

" Our purity lies in our originality. Our intuition lies in our innocence. "

" Where there is love there is no question. "

" What is the power of life? With all the ungraceful dirt, nonsense, you remain graceful. "

" You owe it to yourself to be yourself. "

" Your mind is your servant, your body is your vehicle and your soul is your residence. "

" There is nothing outside of us. It's all in us. "

" The pair of opposites do not effect a yogi -- neither praise nor insult. "

" When you are far away from reality, your fantasy won't work. "

" Never curse yourself by limiting your students. "

" The art of happiness is to serve all, and all shall serve you. "

" If you cannot bless yourself, then nobody can bless you. "

" To be blessed is to live in gratitude, so that God can fulfill you forever. "

" I want to give you the depth and the strength which is yours... the original you. "

" In the Age of Aquarius, the depression and stress on mankind will tear up people who do not have the technical knowledge of self. "

" Prosperity is the opposite of greedy. "

" Meditation is nothing but taking a mental shower. "

" Creation is ready to serve you, if you just be you. "

" What is meditation? When you empty yourself and let the universe come in you. "

" A spiritual person is vast, like an ocean - but very mighty, very powerful. "

" If you only know one kriya, then share that. Just be humble, teach it. Every student is a teacher. "

" Hope is not a prediction of the future, it's a declaration of what is possible. "

" If you give your Self a chance, your Self will give you all the chances. "

" When we love there are no barriers, no desires, no needs, no wants. "

" You know how to drive a car, but you do not know how to drive your life! "

" If you want to progress in your life and grow, act not to react. "

" The attitude of gratitude is the highest yoga. "

" If your mind can go along with you it is a blessing. If your mind obeys you, it is a super-blessing. "

" Fantasy and anger totally destroy the human body. Tolerance is the greatest human asset. "

" Every happening is a lesson, a message. "

" The moment you value yourself, the whole world values you. "

" If you are happy, happiness will come to you because happiness wants to go where happiness is. "

" When you do not consciously relate to your body, your mind does not relate consciously to you. "

" Any act in the name of God returns 10 fold. "

" Improve with each breath. Every negative vibration returns 10 fold. "

" Ingrown anger is like an ingrown hair. The pain it creates in life is unbearable. "

" Fools live in fear, a wise man lives in strength. "

" In all darkness, there is a light and in all light there is a darkness. "

" You are very powerful, providing you know how powerful you are. "

" Fake it, you will make it. But you have to believe it. "

" Happiness is your birthright. Live it! "

" Life is a lie if truth is not found. Truth is just an idea if it is not lived. It is living that matters. "

" We must be guided by faith. If we are guided by fear we lock ourselves and our expansion. "

" Wisdom, character, and consciousness conquer everything. "