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"Under every full moon..." Quotes

Under every full moon, a woolgathering world idles. ~Lorraine

Under every full moon a new day is being born. ~J. Darren Hicks

Under every full moon lies a reflection of the stars, and under every star lies a reflection of someone's soul. ~Ruthie Fer Shure

Under every full moon the wine is sweeter and never runs dry. ~J. Darren Hicks

Under every full moon there's a star within your reach making your impossible dreams come true.

Under every full moon love brays, love frays, and in the end love obeys. ~Lise

Under every full moon the dew is sweet, love is fresh, peace is life. ~J. Darren Hicks

Under every full moon, there's light that brings joy to us during night.

Under every full moon there is a dream that has come true. ~J. Darren Hicks

Under every full moon sits a wishing child. ~Nicole Patrick

Under every full moon there is the fragrance of sweet love in the making. ~J. Darren Hicks

Under every full moon, our hopes and dreams travel its beams. ~Dorian |_|)

Under every full moon God smiles. ~J. Darren Hicks

Under every full moon, memories stir of the dreamers we were. ~Robert Brault

Under every full moon the earth dances and the stars laugh at the oblivious dreamers. ~J.N. Linden