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Moving On Saying

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Be open and honest about how you are feeling. Don't pretend, for yourself or others, that you are okay if you're not.

Listen to music that matches your feelings, but choose lyrics that make you feel empowered and focused with a driving beat.

Let go. There's no benefit in holding on to heartache, regret & hatred toward another person. Try not to think about your EX!

One of the best tricks to help you stick to your resolve is to make a list of all the reasons your ex was not the one for you.

Don't aim to get your ex back. It will only hurt your self-esteem and worse yet, will probably happen again.

If you need to cry, break something, vomit, whatever, do so now. This is part of the physical healing.

Resist the urge to ask your ex-lover back, it might only worsen the situation and make it more painful for you.

Staying home feeling depressed is not the answer. Push yourself to stay busy and take care of you.

You have only one life, enjoy and have fun! Choose to be a fabulous Single than to be in a dead-end relationship.

Go out for a night on the town. Don't do this for the rebound effect, do this for fun with some of your friends.

Emotions, part of breaking up. Expressing those emotions means you have a chance to better yourself and let go of the hurt.

Force yourself to go out even if you are feeling despondent. Take yourself out for a cup of coffee or go on a long walk.

Put all of the items into a box and put them away. Don't display items that show you good memories of your ex.

Don't lie in bed feeling miserable. Get up in the morning, shower and go about your daily life.

Allow yourself to cry. If your heart is broken, inevitably your feeling a lot of pain inside that just needs to all come out.

Nobody said love was easy, and nobody said love would be this hard, but try to STAY STRONG!

Do not call him! Never, under no circumstances. This will make you look desperate to have him back.

Try talking to people who you can trust. Don't hide in the closet and wait for everything to be over!

Eat plenty of ice cream; your emotions deserve it. Chocolate can even mend a broken heart.

Box up all the things that remind you of him. Don't act hastily and throw out or burn things, you may want them in the future.

If he goes to ur school, always look good. Don’t look like u’re trying, but always look good so that he regrets his decision.

Cut off contact with him for at least a month; this will help the healing process cos you wont be talking to him all the time.

Read romance novels with sweet endings. Not sad endings!

Don't be driven into drinking. You'll just end up destroying your own life because of one tragedy, and that's a waste!

Dont let heartbreak stop you listening to advice. Though you may not believe it now, your friends probably have a better view.

Listening music! Turn the volume down a little, but make sure you listen to the music or the story, and not to yourself.

The more you move forward, the less it will hurt. Keep yourself occupied, so you don't have time to be upset.

Think about what you can do with your future, and don't let your loss destroy the rest of your life too.

Talk to your friends. That's what they're there for! A good friend you trust will be a good person to try and talk to.

Don't be embarrassed to cry. If you bottle up your feelings, you'll only end up making yourself worse later.

If you have any belonging your EX has given you, pack it up and put the things away and give yourself time to heal.

No one can just magically get over a heartbreak overnight. Just remember to love yourself everyday and take care of yourself.

Spend your time with those around you that really care about you to help rebuild yourself. Friends = Free Therapist!

Ask what this person did for you. If the pro's can't out weigh the cons with this person, chances.. you're better off anyway.

Be strong and do not give into the temptation to drive by his house or call him just to hear his voice.

Give yourself time to feel whatever you need to feel. Know that in time, your life will change and you will feel better again.

Express your emotions. Do daily cardiovascular exercise - the endorphins will give your spirits an immediate lift.

Do not try to contact your ex. If you continue to contact him and try to be "friends" with him, you will not heal.

Don't try to fix by jumping into a rebound relationship. You need time to heal before getting into another relationship.

Don't force a wonderful friendship on him. It will only make you fall harder. Be patient and take time to move on.